The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Minggu, 23 Mei 2010Ini dia video klip original motion picture soundtrack dari Eclipse movie. Muse dengan judul Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever). Wah, Muse emang langganannya Twilight saga yah. Dalam video ini sebagian besar gambar-gambar lama yang telah beredar, tapi ada beberapa gambar baru. Yuks kita lihat video dan beberapa Screencaps nya.. ^_^

Meadow *gasp*.. so romantic.. berharap adegan ini diiringi score yang indah.. Aku suka Carter Burwell di Twilight, aku juga suka Alexandre Desplat di Newmoon.. PLIZZ Howard Shore.. beri score yang indah di Eclipse
Waow.. cincinnya Elizabeth Masen.. ibu kandung Edward.. *tapi cincinnya tidak seperti bayanganku di novel* xixixixi
Perasaan ekspresi Bella di Eclipse Movie seringnya keliatan kayak orang bingung, bimbang, feeling guilty
Pingsan dyeh gw.. *klepek klepek*
Edward's Black Eyes.. duh kasian Edward.. lagi kehausan banget mau berburu dan dengan berat hati nitipin Bella ke Jacob .. Seingatku sebelum ini ada kata-kata romantis sebelum mereka pergi ke jacob.. "jaga Hatiku Bella.." co cweeeeeeeeeeeeet..duh kelanjutan kalimatnya apah yah.. lupa..*novel .. i need novel..yah udah aku balikin mba Dian novelnya" xixixixi
Bella, teganya kau berpelukan dengan Jacob di depan Edward..*roll eyes*
Bella yang nakal di Eclipse.. hayoo habis selingkuh yah.. hahahaha
Ups.. Edward's golden eyes.. mesti ni waktu jemput Bella selesai berburu.. udah kenyang edward?? *LOL*
Haaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwtttt *melting*
Pengen liat screencaps yang lebih lengkap buka aja disini RPlife
Robsten Bubbles On Oprah Show (part 3)
Upzs.. telat niey Robsten Bubbles part 3 xixixixi.. muup.. muup.. baru sempet motong-motong gambarnya. Langsung ajah kita investigasi video cast of twilight part 3 yukzs.
Video part 3 menit 4:21, seperti biasa Kristen nglirik Rob xixixi.. hayooo ketahuan.. huwahahahaha... wah posenya Rob.. slurrp.. *drooling*
Again.. again..Rob gak mau lepas pandangan dari Kristen sampe minum pun terus ajah liatin Kristen
Whaaaaa.. yang ini sweet bangedss.. twin robsten again.. liat menit 5:24 waktu Oprah tanya tentang apa yang mereka lakukan saat Saturday night trus giliran Taylor yang jawab, Robsten nunduk secara bersamaan dengan tangan sama-sama mengepal *applause*...^_^
Kangen banget dyeh ma twin robsten.. udah lama gak liat xixixixi... Robsten tuwh emang sering banget gerakannya kembaran dan sering banget mereka punya ekspresi yang sama baik dalam waktu bersamaan maupun beda lokasi. Terkadang aku berfikir, ini bagian dari permainan mereka. Seperti sebuah permainan, yang satu mengikuti gerakan yang lain like shadow. Berikut kumpulan twin robsten yang ada di video cast of twilight part 1-5.
Aku pernah liat waktu screening New Moon di Comic Con San Diego 2009, disitu Kristen ngikutin apapun gerakannya Rob sambil mesem-mesem gituh. Yah wajar.. they’re still young masih suka maen-maen (hobinya Kristen tuwh). Pernah juga waktu interview Jimmy Kimmel Live, waktu rob garuk-garuk dagu, Kristen nglirik dan secara spontan dia langsung ikut garuk-garuk dagu. Sepertinya mereka terbiasa dengan permainan itu dan tanpa sadar mereka lakukan dimanapun.
Tapi kalau lihat banyaknya gambar dan video, mereka sering banget kembaran dalam detik yang sama baik dari twilight sampai sekarang, aku jadi ragu, sepertinya mereka bukan hanya melakukan permainan itu, tapi mereka memang punya body language yang sama dari cara senyum, nyengir, gerak tangan, ketawa, .. upzs.. kalau di bahas bisa panjang niey heheheh. Bahkan di akhir acara Jimmy Kimmel Live mereka bikin heboh dengan gerakan melambai yang bareng.. asli.. like mirror... Tapi ini bukan satu-satunya, banyak so many awesome video yang bikin gregeten dyeh liat gerakan mereka. Aku kasih gambarnya ajah hanya sebagian kecil gambar yang aku posting, yang lain sebenarnya masih banyak.
Jimmy Kimmel Live 2009, Semoga interview Jimmy Kimmel Live tahun ini banyak sweet bubbles juga
Kristen Stewart In The June 2010 Issue Of 'Vogue Magazine'
Rabu, 19 Mei 2010
OMK... You looks so georgeous Kris, Your leeegggggggggggss.. Favouritena Rob bangeds niey.....gak nguatin *ngiler*.. Aku percaya 110 % Rob lebih ngiler dari aku *chuckles*.. sabar Rob.. tuwh majalah-majalah emang lebih pinter nunjukin keseksian Kristen ^_^
You're so hawwwwwwwwwt and sekseh abizzzzzz Kris *_*
Ada rumor yang beredar tentang Anna Wintour fotografer yang terpilih buat menangani Kristen di Cover Majalah Vogue. Rumornya Kristen dan Wintour tidak bisa berkompromi dengan baik, terutama tentang materi interview yang menyangkut privacy dan kabarnya akan digantikan Blake Lively. Tapi Gossipcop mengatakan bahwa ini semua hanya rumor. Tapi jika rumor ini benar...plizzs wintour, jangan memaksa Kris, pakailah cara yang jenius untuk interview Kristen. Be careful, mereka lebih lihai dalam berkelit.. Jangan keras kepala, rugi lowh gak nampilin Kristen jadi sampul, dijamin oplah mu naek wakakakakakak.
Lihat gosip lebih lengkap di GosssipCop
New Photos and Interview: Feature Of Rob, Kristen and Taylor From USA Today
Arrrgghhh.. sweeet.. *klepek klepek*.. Rob sepenuh hati banget...keliatan sayaaaaang banget. I wanna see behind the scene of this interview PLIZZZ video.. pliz utub utub *_*
*cropping cropping* wah, lebih indah seperti ini.. upzs sorry Taylor.. 4 couple only xixixi.. sana ma Taylor Swift or Dakota fanning juga boleh (Kristen kayakna lagi pengen tuwh deketin kamu ma dakota hahahaha)
Aku baru sadar Kristen masih pake kalung itu.. masih disembunyiin juga Kris??? *penasaran niey*
Mereka sweet banget.. they're still young but so phenomenon
Upzs.. lagi liatin apah Rob *smirks smirks*
Kristen Jaymes Stewart (duh kalungnya tetep ajah gak keliatan) ^_^
Wawancaranya juga keren lowh, sweet, coba kayak gini di Oprah kemarin, mereka keliatan akrab en deket banget, keliatan dari cara mereka komentar satu sama lain .. uh so sweet.. thanks to Susan Wloszczyna *nice interview*. Cek aja interview lengkapnya DISINI. Aku hanya tampilin beberapa yang sweet tentunya.
The fame game
But, first, the pain of fame that comes from being on the paparazzi's most-wanted list is addressed. When New Moon opened last fall, barely a day went by without seeing a headline about Lautner and country cutie Taylor Swift or speculation on whether Pattison and Stewart are a real-life couple. Although, lately, the frenzy has calmed somewhat, judging by the number of Twilight-free magazine covers at grocery checkouts. "I don't know if this is the actual reason why, but we have gotten better at hiding over the last year," Pattinson says. "That's totally the reason," Stewart concurs. "They just make up a story to go along with the pictures. If they never get the picture, there's no story. We are just good hiders now."-----------------------------------
Upzss.. kami lebih pintar bersembunyi???? KAMI? who? jadi kalian ngaku dunk, ngapain juga bersembunyi kalau tidak ada apa-apanya... nah lowh ..ketahuan.. eheg..eheg..btw Kristen mengulang kata-katanya Rob.. hihihihi
Such subterfuge includes neither confirming nor denying that they are in a relationship. Yet there clearly is some sort of special connection between the two, what with their playful teasing and personal asides. Let's just say it wasn't Lautner who placed a hand on Pattinson's leg during a portion of the interview. But all three take their Twilight-related duties to heart, whatever they might require. Stewart even leaps up in a panic at one point, fearing she misspelled a word in her salutation to Winfrey. She checks the book: "Believe — ie or ei?" "I before e except after c," Pattinson responds. She checks. "Oh, yeah," she says with a triumphant fist pump. Pattinson laughs. "I almost spelled Oprah wrong. I almost wrote Opera."----------------------------------
Wah saling melengkapi.. sweet banget sieyyy...aku bisa bayangin gimana ekspresi Rob waktu menanggapi Kristen, pasti sweet banget.. LOL
The actors are keen to know how Eclipse played to the crowd at the screening and are pleased to hear that every element has been heightened: the horror, the romance, the three-way interaction among their characters, the touches of humor that often come at the expense of Edward and Jacob's rivalry — especially after they forge a testy alliance to save Bella from a roving gang of rabid newborn vampires.
Stewart says of Eclipse's positive early reception: "It is a well-oiled machine at this point. We have had a lot of time to establish what this thing is about and a lot of time to consider it. And they gave us so much more money this time. So that is exciting." Pattinson, looking bemused, quickly clarifies her statement. "For the film. The budget." Stewart is chagrined. "Oh, my God. No, no. That didn't even occur to me. They gave us so much more money to make the film look good!"-------------------------------
Yang ini juga sweet *perasaan sweet semua dyeh xixixi* , Rob berusaha melindungi Kristen waktu dia bilang Eclipse sukses maka mereka akan memberi banyak uang kali ini, trus Rob berusaha mengoreksi kata-katanya Kristen " untuk filmnya, budgetnya",, trus Kristen baru sadar dengan kata-katanya dan buru-buru mengoreksi juga,...... aaaaaaaargh mereka bikin aku semakin gregetan *melting*
The leads did get raises — Stewart and Pattinson are taking home a reported $7.5 million each plus a percentage of the gross, Lautner gets $5 million — while the production's price tag grew to $65 million, still modest compared with similar franchises.
Yet the few extra bucks seem to have paid off, especially with the effects. Even Lautner's CG wolf alter-ego is more adorable than in New Moon. "Yeah," says the actor, sheepishly. "It was very cuddly. I don't know if that's what we were aiming for." He waffles over the wisdom of sharing an anecdote about the scene in which the vicious horse-sized beast sweetly nuzzles Bella and she scratches his ear. After a little coaxing, he relents. "That day I came on set and put on this tight gray spandex suit ..." "There is dialogue and I talk to him," Stewart explains. "I said, 'How am I going to do this without Taylor?' " So instead of the actress pretending that a massive computer-animated wolf was nearby, Lautner volunteered to be its stand-in. "Basically, it looked like a Teletubby," he continues about his outfit. "I had this circle on the face but everything else was covered. It was weird. But, yeah, I stood there and would literally bend over ..." "I would actually pet his head," Stewart adds. Pattinson, meanwhile, struggled with Edward's rather formal proposal to Bella, which reflects the fact that although his vintage vampire looks 17, he hails from the turn of the last century. "I was dreading the day it was coming," he says of the scene that was held until the very end of the shoot. "The first time I read the script, I thought, 'This is impossible.' " References to "promenades" and sharing "iced tea on the porch" as Edward explains how he would have courted Bella in the old days especially stuck in his throat. "It's so earnest. I finally convinced the producers that you can play it with a bit of awareness of not being a fictional character. I'm not trying to be part of a Gothic novel." When Pattinson finally watched it, however, he was pleasantly surprised. "It seems different when you see it." Their profiles have grown with each film, and celebrity status does afford them the chance to mingle with their own idols. Although, more often than not, the other stars are the ones bedazzled as they request autographs for their Twilight-crazed kids. "I took a picture with Ron Howard last year at the Oscars," Pattinson recalls. "I thought it was the funniest thing. I asked, 'Is it for your kids?' He said, 'No, it's for me. I want to have it on my phone.' " Making the situation even odder: Howard's daughter, Bryce Dallas Howard, is in Eclipse. Alas, Pattinson has yet to run into his favorite, Jack Nicholson. Stewart pipes up: "I have." Pattinson: "What? When did you meet?" Stewart: "At a screening for Into the Wild," her 2007 coming-of-age drama directed by Sean Penn. "He was exactly like you think he would be." Pattinson, sounding peeved: "You never told me that." Lautner joins in. "I didn't meet him but I sat next to him at a Lakers game." Pattinson, utterly exasperated: "What?" --------------------------------------Waaaaaa.. favouriteku niey.. Aku paling seneng waktu Kristen bilang kalau dia ketemu Jack Nicholson saat screening into the wild, trus Rob langsung sedikit merajuk bilang "kau tidak pernah cerita padaku?"
Hallowwwww.. kata-kata itu tidak akan keluar kalau kalian tidak punya hubungan spesial.. seolah Rob pasti tau semua hal tentang Kristen, makanya dia kaget, kenapa sampai dia tidak tau. Rob keliatan sedikit menuntut Kristen untuk menceritakan semua hal kepadanya dan satu lagi, itu nunjukkin kalau kalian sering sharing cerita.....hayoo.. ngaku kalian... *evil laugh*
Life beyond 'Twilight'
Next subject. The three are actively trying to ward off post-Twilight typecasting by doing solo projects in between. Stewart and Pattinson, both bookworms and drawn to art-house fare, earned OK reviews but underwhelming ticket sales for their two recent releases, the girl-band bio The Runaways and the romantic melodrama Remember Me. But they continue to be in demand for more mature roles. Stewart is psyched to be a part of a big-screen version of Jack Kerouac's On the Road, which starts shooting in August. Pattinson recently wrapped his work on the London set of Bel Ami as a 19th-century social-climbing rogue opposite Kristin Scott Thomas, Uma Thurman and Christina Ricci. Does he bed all three? "Yes, but they're not like typical love scenes at all," he says. Adds Stewart: "They're all a little weird. A little edgy. And a little nude." Chuckling ensues. Meanwhile, Lautner — a natural athlete who played a high school track star in the box-office-topping ensemble comedy Valentine's Day— seems to be angling to become the next big action hero with upcoming roles in the thriller Abduction and Stretch Armstrong, a 3-D adventure based on a toybox muscleman Did he ever own one of the dolls, whose limbs could be pulled and elongated like taffy? "I don't remember having one at my house, but I totally remember stretching that sucker." Then there is the next Twilight feature, Breaking Dawn, opening Nov. 18 next year. The fourth and presumably final book is so jammed with life-altering events — a wedding, first-time sex between Bella and Edward, a grotesquely painful birth — that there has been talk of doing two films back to back. And it might even be in 3-D. But the actors can confirm only their involvement. What has been decided is that Breaking Dawn's director will be Bill Condon, the filmmaker behind Dreamgirlsand Oscar-nominated screenwriter of Chicago. Have they met Condon, who already posted a letter on Facebook reassuring fans of his appreciation of the material and that the film most definitely will not be a musical despite his résumé? Lautner nods yes.Pattinson: "When did you meet him?" Lautner: "One day." Stewart: "Did you have a meeting?" Lautner: "No, no." Pattinson: "I literally met him three nights ago."Stewart, in a mock snit: "Well, he obviously doesn't want to meet me." ------------------------------Tenang Kris... kamu akan ketemu Bill Condon setiap hari saat Behind the Scene Breaking Dawn akhir taun ini.. dia akan menyuruhmu banyak beradegan Love Scene dengan Edward.. hahahaha.. Aku gak bisa bayangin bagaimana nanti hebohnya Breaking Dawn kalau rilis, apalagi dibuat dua seri.. Favouritku seri kedua pastinya.. life after immortal wakakakakakaka..
Betewe Motion Picture Association of America film(MPAA) setelah menganalisis scene-scene yang akan ditampilkan di Breaking Dawn, akhirnya memeutuskan masuk kategori PG-13, yaaaah seperti yang sudah kuduga film ini bakal kategori remaja, wah kurang hot mesti.. Plizzz seri dua dibuat rating dewasa ajahh hahahahaha, we need a beautiful love scene between Edward en Bella, life after immortal tuwh penting, puncak luapan emosi mereka, aku pengen banget liat Edward seperti vampir tua renta yang dikalahkan Newborn Bella yang super kuat en super agresif, gak sabar niey xixixixi *wah adek adek nti banyak yang protes niey gak bisa nonton BD xixixixi)
First TV Spot For Eclipse - 'Destiny' plus Screencaps
I promise to love you every moment forever
oh no.. makin meranaaaa.... can't wait to see.....
Source via twidazzledgal