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Kamis, 06 Mei 2010

Details From The Oprah 'Eclipse' Show With Rob, Kristen, Taylor & Dakota - Tweets

OMGGGGGGGGGGGG, bener-bener berita yang sweet di pagi hari. Guess what? LOL. Taping Oprah yang akan ditayangkan 13 Mei 2010 boooooooooook (ultahnya rob tentunya hahaha)!!!. Bangun tidur baca berita beginian, asli mataku langsung melek selebar-lebarnya, tenagaku langsung loading 110% wakakakakak. Great spirit from robsten today ^_^. Okey, yah bettul bettul bettul *upin ipin* ini tentang ROBSTEN tentunya *AGAIN TUP* yah, aku belum bosen apapun berita tentang mereka. I love ROBSTEN, seperti membuatku jatuh cinta lagi. Aku seolah ikut merasakan cinta mereka yang besar dan unik tentunya, ikut deg-degan, ikut berbunga-bunga, ikut gregetan *lebay lebay lebay*.

Iyaaahh, Taping of Oprah sudah selesai, menghadirkan rob dan kristen (wajib lah, ga da lo ga rame kali LOL) dan juga ada Taylor dan Dakota. Rekaman ini akan disiarkan di Oprah Winfrey Show 13 Mei 2010 (ingat jangan lupa nonton hahahaha). Seperti yang sudah pernah aku bilang, akan banyak kejutan dan robsten moments di situ. WAOOW... aku cekikikan sendiri baca tweet orang -orang yang hadir di acara itu. Hadiah untuk semua penonton oprah adalah poster Eclipse Movie exlusive dan yang paling spesial "a replica of Bella's engagement ring". Liat poster dan sertifikatnya di bawah ini!

After today’s taping of Oprah – which featured Rob, Kristen, Taylor, and Dakota (it’ll be airing May 13th) – Burger King employees were on hand to give out new Eclipse posters. The poster reads, “The time to choose is coming. Play the game only at BK – June 21st, 2010″ and features Edward, Bella, and Jacob.

Tweets from the Oprah taping this morning in Chicago with Rob, Kristen, Dakota and Taylor. The show will air on May 13th

From hardestxheart THIS IS WHAT I HEARD OUTSIDE last night, rob was out in naperville ~~ a suburb of chicago ~~ and went to three different houses and knocked on these girl's doors to surprise them.... IDK IDK apparently they showed this footage during the show, this is what i heard.

@Courtneex3 -Soo that was AMAZING! Rob was SO funny! Dakota fanning was also there. Wow that did not just happen. -Rob was hilarious in the video they showed of him going to random peoples houses lol! He's like "should I just break in?"

@dkmulder -Oprah asked about them, Rob joked and said Kris is pregnant! LOL -Then Kris said Rob's having the baby. -seating, Rob, Kris. Tay. Dakota came out and Tay switched with Kris so besties could sit by each other. It's raining. -They just let a silver volvo into the garage. Now it's sunny and hot, perfect weather for some sparkly vamps. -All's I got to say, no wonder they can't roll down their windows! People rushed the suv's when they came out and started banging on them!

@JustSoJazzyDiva -OMG the Oprah show was sooo awesome!!! The cast were amazing! Sat front row & got to shake Rob & Taylor's hands!!! Ahhhh love them! -He had on blue jeans & a redish kinda button down if I remember correct. Lot going on lol -Did they mention Rob's birthday?? <~ Not during taping but before the show started. -and what did they say about Rob's B-day??? <~just that the show is airing on his b-day -when Oprah asked abt RK relationship,RK sitting nxt each other or not? <~Yup seated nxt to each other! -About the Saturday night question: they all pretty much said they are usually home b/c no one calls them...hah

@TrendingJB -Just got out of Oprah. It was awesome and funny.Waiting outside. We got a certificate to to get Bella's ring. -Cars keep coming out and in. But Rob, Kristin, Taylor, and Dakota are doing a radio thing in the studio right now, I heard. -Apparently he wore red t-shirt. Sorry, I was too busy looking at his grorgeous face. -My mom's saying it was a deep red plaid

@CristalVaca -Omg i cant even believe i saw rob taylor and kstew in the fucking flesh. Beautiful people. -Sad news, no pictures ): i DID lock eyes with rob tho. He smiled....... Dead.

@MochaChick8705 -OMG!!! The Oprah show was awesome!! Sat front row, balled when they came out, and Rob and Taylor shook my hand!!!! I love @Twilight!!!! :-D -Rob was wearing a brown button down w/ the sleeves rolled up, dark jeans, and black and white adidas sneakers. -at first, Oprah, Rob, Kristen, Taylor. When Dakota came out, oprah, rob, Taylor, Kristen, Dakota. -she flat out asked them. Rob said Kristen was actually pregnant, but then Kristen said he would be having the baby. -they kept smiling back and forth and saying inside jokes. Honestly, they totally seem like they like each other. -before Dakota came out, they were. Kris moved by her b/c they're good friends. -Questions Asked: what do u do on a saturday night, do u feel typecast, why'd u take on the role, etc. -I guess when they talked about the Twilight audition. The was other smiling and laughing throughout the interview though. -yeah, they talked about their friendship. -not a full clip that's all new, but u'll see new stuff interspersed b/w the old stuff.

@natalie0118 -Ahahhaaaaaaaaaaaa.....just got out of Oprah taping!everyone was HOTT!!!! *swoon* *singing* I'm in heaven! Lol -I was less than 10ft from Rob & cast ladies! No I have no pics as cameras & phones were not allowed. I'm still on cloud 900 -Oh and there was no time for questions so no audience questions were asked. -Sooo...Oprah did ask the ultimate question R Rob & Kristen together. Rob deflected --w/a joke. R: "Kristen is pregnant." K:"he likes to shock ppl." O:"oh..*laughs" K:"unless u want it to be u" O:"ok! I wouldn't mind!" Every1 laughed

@rosenfie -Just got out. Fun times. They are all so cute together! It airs May 13th!

@Nicolediscogrll -Just got outta Oprah. Omg. My face was on RPattz cars window when he was leaving the studio. BEST DAY OF MY LIFE. -#Oprah: I was there. Robs havin Kristens baby, Taylor likes dorky girls (yes!), Taylor & Rob say they have no friends, my face + rpattz car.

@MarissaM2 -Hey Peeps just came for the Oprah Show it was great. Rob and KS looked amazing Rob so adorable KS was so nervous

@only_exception -Rob kris and tay all left at the same time! different cars! got a good view of taylor! was one whndow pane seperating us!

@awkwardlyfab When Kristen moved to sit next to Dakota, Rob said quietly "You don't want to sit next to me?". NAWWWWW. :]

Source| Source Posted by TwiDazzledGal at 5/05/2010 12:15:00 PM

Tidaaaaaaaaaaaaakk, banyak sweet moments kaaaaan *Naughty rob*. Rob memang suka bercanda, waktu ditanya bagaimana hubungan mereka, disitu rob bilang kalo Kristen hamil, dan Kristen pun menjawab Rob akan punya anak. huwaaahahahaha.. they're so sweet, kompak bener sih. Asli pengen liat banget ekspresi mereka. Gak heran juga sih, emang Rob tuw suka bercanda, dulu aja waktu pertama kali masa-masa Twilight, Rob selalu ngikutin kemana aja Kristen pergi, pe dia bilang kalo dia seperti anjingnya kristen. huwahahahaa. Dan dia selalu memperkenalkan ke orang-orang kalo Kristen itu tunangannya. Pede abeeeeeeeeeeez Rob. Padahal Kristen waktu itu masih pacaran sama Michael Angarano. GOOD JOB Rob. Usaha yang bagus, sekarang kan Kristen benar-benar milikmu hahaha. Wah semua fans langsung dyeh bahas candaannya Rob. Rob, kau berhasil membuat kita semua heboh.

Aku gak sabar pengen liat ekspresi mereka waktu Kristen pindah duduk di sebelah Dakota, Rob berkata dengan pelan, "Kau tidak mau duduk di sebelahku?" owhhhhh Co CWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET *gasp*. Aku juga gak sabar bagaimana mereka lirik-lirikan, cekikikan sendiri, ketika ditanya hubungan mereka. Tau deh mereka ngetawain apah. Hanya mereka yang tau, berasa dunia milik berdua.

Itulah yang kita sebut ROBSTEN's BUBBLES. Lihat saja moment ketika mereka bersama baik promo, premiere, interview ataupun behind the scene. Kalau kalian jeli, kalian akan liat banyak bahasa tubuh mereka yang lucu banget. Bila perlu slow motion and repeating, pasti deh ketangkep bubbles mereka, gerak-geriknya suka kembaran dan saling merespon. Padahal mereka lagi diwawancara tapi kayak gak fokus gitu, biasanya sih Taylor yang jadi obat nyamuk, sering banget hahahah. Pernah dulu saat promo New Moon si Tay sibuk banget jawab pertanyaan, eh Robsten malah cekikikan sendiri. Si Tay bingung, asli wajahnya langsung bengong dan bingung. Lucu banget pas liat videonya. *Poor Tay*. Sabar ya Tay, dimaklumi ajah, orang yang lagi jatuh cintrong yah begitu, dunia milik berdua. Untunglah yang ini ada Dakota Fanning, jadi Taylor gak akan kayak orang ilang.

Aku pikir acara ini akan live secara langsung di ultahnya rob, ternyata taping cuma disiarkan di ultahnya rob. DuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuWHHHH gak sabar 13 Mei 2010, The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Can't Wait to seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!


cici mengatakan...

pengen banget ntn The Oprah Winfrey Show !! tp di Indonesia tgl brp ya munculnya ?

andanalfainahemmy mengatakan...

udah aku upload videonya.. coba cek.. nti kalo ada video baru akan aku update lagi

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